SWITCH №15 “Cooking With Cage”

“Cooking With Cage” is the 15th episode of SWITCH, an artists television program produced by artists in Western Massachusetts and includes work from various towns, cities and countries. This episode  includes works from the NYC area. Cooking With Cage features an archival video, courtesy of Arleen Schloss, showing John Cage and Alison Knowles preparing a meal in John Cage’s kitchen. The visual is supported by their spoken interpretation of Stephane Mallarme’s Un coup de des jamais n’abolira le hasard: A throw of the dice will never abolish chance. 2012 Is the centennial celebration of John Cage. Cooking With Cage also includes a new performance by GLOVE of John Cage’s 4′ 33″ using the timings originally performed by David Tudor in Wooodstock NY. The score of 4′ 33″ indicates 3 movements each marked “Tacet” where the movements may be any chosen lengths of time as long as they collectively add up to 4 minutes and 33 seconds. SWITCH is a Holyoke production. For additional information please contact: press at holyoketv.org. Many thanks to Canal Gallery of Holyoke, MA for hosting a new performance of 4′ 33″ and SWITCH episode 15.

Canal Gallery, Holyoke MA, 2012
photo: Denis Luzuriaga