15 Feb 2015
Hovering Bubbles
This is another satirical video made by Greg Amenoff (Bill Bob) and myself (Dan Pike) with our “Fine Art Troupers” at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in the mid-1970’s. This bit is called “Hovering Bubbles”. -Dean Nimmer, February 2015
18 Dec 2013
Plasticity from Ryan Malloy on Vimeo.
This is the kind of ingenuity that Holyokers possess. Holyoke Hummus Company is an example. Let’s get creative with food in this town.
14 Dec 2013
Growing food with zero heating in Holyoke
Jonathan Bates is better known for the food forest he and his colleague Eric Toensmeier planted on their 1/10th of an acre urban lot in Holyoke, Massachusetts. When I visited him in February, most of the lot and its 200 plant species were still covered with snow, but Jonathan showed me around their eco-shelter. Thanks to good insulation and thermal mass, the passive greenhouse maintains above freezing temperatures all winter, and allows them to grow food throughout the year.